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Terms & Policies

Here you will find our Terms of service and all the included and necessary policies (Returns Policy, Cookie Policy, and Privacy Policy). We have tried to keep them as simple as possible for you.

Terms of Service

The main set of rules and regulations describing the business relationship between you and us.

Cookie Policy

This describes how we use cookies and how you can opt out.

Returns policy

The specific set of rules and regulations around returns and how to handle them.

Privacy Policy

This is all about your personal data. What we collect, what we use it for and how you can manage it.


Terms of Service

1 - Introduction

1.1 - General Information

These terms are valid as of February 1, 2022 and may be updated at any time without notice. The currently valid terms can be found at this location at all times and shall state the start of validity under this section.


1.2 - Scope and applicability

These terms are valid for all services provided on the website, including but not limited to the store, newsletters, feedback section and form, and any other functions and services we deem to provide for you on the site now or in the future.


1.3 - Included policies

The following policies are an integral part of these terms of service and by accepting to adhere to these terms, you also agree to be bound by these policies:



2 - The terms

2.1 - Ordering and contract

The "Hich by Haus" store is offering you the possibility to enter a contract with us by ordering and paying for one or several products you select in our store. By placing an order in the Shop and providing your payment information on the checkout page you are agreeing to these terms as outlined on this page.

We will confirm your order and payment by email once you have finished the checkout and payment process.

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order and will inform you of this refusal or cancellation by mail in due time. This cancellation mail shall in any case be legally binding, even if we had previously sent an order or payment confirmation. Any payments already made will be fully refunded in cases an order is refused or cancelled by "Hich by Haus"


2.2 - Prices and minimum order amount

There is a minimal order amount of CHF 50.-

All prices are quoted in CHF (Swiss Francs) including VAT. Shipping fees are NOT included in the quoted product price and will be separately listed and added to the total checkout amount on the checkout and payment page.


2.3 - Shipping and shipping fees

We only ship within Switzerland and Liechtenstein by standard Swiss Post (For exceptions see the FAQ). 

Because our products are created and produced in various parts of the world, shipping and logistics is unfortunately rather expensive and therefore reflects in our shipping prices. All shipping costs will be detailed on the checkout page of our shop before you proceed to the payment and you can review them there.

Please understand that we do NOT have a free shipping option or amount, but shipping fees ARE staggered according to the shopping amount.


2.4 - Delivery

Delivery of your ordered product(s) shall be to the postal address specified by you during the order process. We will not be responsible or liable for failed deliveries due to incomplete or incorrect addresses.

Delivery times can vary strongly as your product will be produced to order and shipped from the producer to us for packaging and delivery to you.

Standard delivery time is between 4 and 6 weeks..


2.5 - Payment

We offer several payment options in our shop from which you can freely select your preferred method. Currently these include payment by major credit cards, Apple Pay(tm), PayPal(tm), and Klarna(tm) online payments.

We reserve the right to change the list of payment methods at any time.


2.6 - Returns and complaints

Please refer to our Returns Policy for details around returns.


2.7 - Liability

Hich by Haus shall not be held liable for any issues, problems, or damages resulting from the use of products sold by "Hich by Haus".

All products sold in our store are checked for damage and faults before sending to you, the customer.

As our products are handmade from natural materials, differences in color, size, shape, weight, texture, or any other physical measure may occur and deviate somewhat from the depictions in the shop. We shall not be held liable for such differences and any and all exchanges, returns, or refunds shall be completely voluntary and at the sole discretion of "Hich by Haus".


2.8 - Data protection

Please refer to our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy for more information around privacy and data protection at "Hich by Haus".

3 - Governing law and jurisdictioN 

All contracts and transactions or interactions entered into under these terms are solely and exclusively governed by Swiss law. Judiciary seat for all disputes shall be the "Bezirksgericht Meilen", but we reserve the right to call upon any court of law we see fit to protect our interests.




These Terms are valid as of February 1, 2022 and can be found here at any time.



These Terms are valid for all services offered on this site (, including the store.



Returns, Cookie, and Privacy policies are integral parts of these Terms and are equally binding.





You enter a contract with us when ordering and paying for something in our store.




We can refuse or cancel your order if we see fit, but will refund any payments already made in such case.



Prices are in CHF and include Tax, but exclude shipping cost which is listed separately.




We ship only to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.


Shipping fees are staggered by amount, but there is no free shipping option.




We deliver by standard Post to the address provided by you during the order process.


Standard delivery time is 4-6 weeks.



We offer various payment options in our store which may change at any time.






We shall not be liable for your use of the products bought in our store.


We shall not be liable for variations in the products which may occur due to the natural materials used.








All contracts and services on this site are exclusively governed by Swiss law.


Returns Policy

1 - General information

Our products are handmade to order, which is why we cannot accept returns as a rule.

We double-check every product before we send it to you to make sure it arrives undamaged, but in the exceptional case this should happen we ask you to follow the steps outlined below.

Please note that slight differences in color, size or texture are completely normal as our products are handmade and therefore unique. These differences to the product depictions in the shop do NOT comprise a reason for return.


2 - Return process

Please do NOT send back anything before getting in touch with us at !

We will NOT be able to refund you or accept the return if you do.

Once you have contacted us for the return and we have accepted it, we will instruct you as to how and where to send your product.

Postal or shipping fees for your return are your own responsibility and will not be paid for or refunded by "Hich by Haus".


Our products are individually handmade and therefore NOT returnable by default.



Exceptions are made for defective products. Slight deviations in color, shape, size or texture are NOT defects.



Do NOT send back any products without having contacted us first at


Cookie Policy

1 - What are cookies

Cookies are small text files containing letters and numbers which are downloaded on to your computer when you access most websites. In general, cookies allow a website to recognise a user’s computer.
The most important thing to know about cookies placed by "Hich by Haus" is that they make our website a bit more user-friendly and secure, for example, by remembering site preferences and language settings or by helping us prevent fraud or abuse.


2 - Why do we use cookies

Cookies on our site can fall into two main categories:


  • "First-party Cookies" - which are set by "Hich by Haus"

  • "Third-party Cookies" - which are set and used by service providers and partners in order to provide our services to you


We and our partners use these cookies for various reasons, including:​


  • Keeping your preferences (i.e. language settings, etc.)

  • Storing your shopping basket in the shop

  • To provide you with services you chose to receive from us

  • Understanding how you use our website

  • To monitor and analyze the performance, operation, and effectiveness of our provider's platform

  • To understand and improve the impact of our marketing campaigns

  • For security needs and fraud-protection purposes and in order to identify and prevent  cyber-attacks

  • To enable and secure payment transactions on our checkout pages


Cookies may be stored in your browser for various durations, depending on the cookie function. We distingush two main duration types:


  • "Session Cookies" - are stored for the duration of your browser session and will be deleted after you close the browser window.

  • "Persistent Cookies" - will remain stored in your browser for the duration specified directly in the cookie itself even after you close the browser.


The cookies used on our site fall in one of the four categories below:


  • "Essential Cookies" - let you use essential features like the shop and payment pages

  • "Analytics Cookies" -  let us understand how you use our website (e.g. which pages you visit, etc.), provide statistics on how our website is used, and how we can improve the website by identifying any errors and performance issues

  • "Functional Cookies" - are cookies used to remember choices users make to improve their experience (i.e. language, etc.)

  • "Marketing Cookies" - are used to collect information about the impact of our marketing campaigns performed in other websites on users and non-users


Please note that Essential cookies cannot be opted out of and the site will not work correctly without them.

Opting out of any of the non-essential cookies may and probably will impact the usability and functionality of our website and prevent you from having an optimal experience.


3 - What are your choices around cookies

After your initial setup of your cookie preferences through the cookie banner displayed on our page, you can change your cookie preferences at any time through the cookie settings widget displayed on our pages.

Alternately, you can stop your browser from accepting cookies altogether by changing the cookie settings. You can learn more about this for your browser by following the appropriate link below:​



To opt out from and prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics across all websites, check out the following instructions:


To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and understand how to manage, delete and block them, visit  or


Please note that deleting our cookies, disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our Services, or may otherwise adversely affect your user experience.



Cookies are small textfiles stored in your browser to save information about your interaction with a website.





*First-party ookies" are set by Hich, "Third-party Cookies" are set by our service providers and partners.




Cookies are used for a variety of reasons like user convenience, site and traffic analysis, security, fraud prevention, marketing and more.





"Session Cookies" get deleted when you close your browser, while "Persistent Cookies" remain stored in the browser for as long as specified in the cookie itself.



"Essential Cookies" cannot be opted out of and the site will not work without them.

"Analytics, Functional, and Marketing Cookies" are optional but opting out may degrade the usability or functionality of the site.









You can change your cookie preferences at any time by using the cookie preferences widget on our sites' pages.



Learn more about your browsers cookie settings under the mentioned links.




How you can opt out of Google Analytics.




Where you can learn more about Cookies in general.


Privacy Policy

0 - General Information

Thank you for visiting our site and your interest in our products. We strive to make your experience as pleasant as possible and want you to feel comfortable and relaxed while having a look around.

We realize that the privacy of your personal information is very important to you, which is why we strive to be as transparent as possible when it comes to the collection, use and processing of your personal data that you provide us with during the use of our website and services.

The information in this policy is valid for the complete "Hich by Haus" website including the online-store and any questions or remarks regarding this policy can be addressed to us in writing:


Hich by Haus


CH-8125 Zollikerberg




In the following sections we will explain to you in detail what data we collect from you, what purpose the collection of that data serves and how you can take control of that data at any time.


We use the collected data to enable us to provide you with the requested service. Additionally we may use data collected from you to enhance your experience of our site and services by tailoring it to you.

All uses of your data (collection, processing including storage and usage) are carried out in accordance with all the relevant data protection laws.

We will never give away, rent out or sell your personal data to any third party, be it for marketing or any other purposes.


1 - Data we collect

Please note that the enumerations in the following sections are not complete but encompass the most important information in each category.

1.1 - Browser data

This is data your browser sends to us automatically when you browse our website and which may be stored in logfiles on the servers serving our site's pages. This is not an exhaustive list and may vary depending on the browser software you use and the settings you have configured in your browser:


  • Your IP address

  • Your browser identification string ("user agent" string)

  • Your ISPs name (on mobile)

  • Your screen resolution

  • Your operating system

  • Pages you visited on our site

  • Pages from which you navigated to our page ("referrer")


1.2 - Cookies

These are small textfiles stored by websites in your browser and used for various purposes. We have outlined all details regarding Cookies in a separate policy:



1.3 - Data you directly provide to us

This entails all data you voluntarily provide to us while using the website and its services, for example when subscribing to our newsletter:


  • Your Email address

  • Your full name (voluntary)

  • Any text and information entered in the message field of our contact form


1.4 - Order and payment data

This is the information you enter during checkout in the online-store of "Hich by Haus" in order to pay for your purchase online and in order to get your order delivered to your doorstep:


  • Your credit card information

  • Your full name

  • Your postal address

  • Any information you leave in the instructions/comments field of the order form


2 - Purpose of collected data

2.1 - Browser data

Browser information and log data is used to generate statistics about the usage of our website in order to improve our services for you. This information is generally used in aggregated and therefore anonymous form only, but may in exceptional cases be used in its original, personalized form (i.e. to comply with local laws, prevent fraud, etc.).


2.2 - Cookies

Please refer to the Cookie Policy for details.


2.3 - Data you provide directly

We solely use any personal information you provide to us directly for the purpose fo providing you with the functionality or service you provide the data for.

For example we use the data you provide in our contact form solely to provide you with an answer to your feedback or question. Or we solely use your email address you provide in the newsletter subscription form to send you our newsletter.


2.4 - Payment data

The data you provide in the payment section of our store is solely used for processing said payment and to prevent fraud and 


3 - Where your data is stored and processed

Our pages and store are hosted on the infrastructure of is providing the integration of payment services in addition to the store infrastructure and other services surrounding this website. is based in Israel and stores its data (icluding the data collected from you on this site) in data centers in Israel, Ireland and the United States. adheres to all privacy standards and contracts as required by the various privacy legislations in the EU, Switzerland, and elsewhere.

All details and's Privacy policy can be found at "About Privacy | WIX" (and therein especially section 6 pertaining to your data provided to us).


3.1 - Data controller

Hich by Haus acts as the data controller (the entity collecting and managing your data for stated purposes) for all data provided on this website by you. As such we are your sole contact point when it comes to inquiries or requests surrounding your data. You can direct any questions regarding your data to us by postal mail at 


Hich by Haus


CH-8125 Zollikerberg


or by email at



3.2 - Data processor acts as data "Processor" of the data you provide to us as outlined in their privacy policy referred to above. In their function as data processor they may also transfer your data to subsidiaries and affiliates doing subprocessing for them following the same rules when it comes to the protection of said data.


3.3 - Data retention

We will retain your personal data provided to us for as long as it is required to offer our services to you or as long as we are required to retain the data by law or to serve our legitimate interest to prevent fraud or abuse or to enforce our agreements.


4 - How you can take control

You have choices surrounding your personal data and what happens to it. In this section we will tell you what those choices are and how you can act on them.


4.1 - Your right to know

You have the right to request a copy of all personal data we hold about you at any time. Please note that we can only comply with your request if you place it in writing and address it either to the postal or email address noted below in section 4.4. We may need some form of formal identification from you to comply with your request.


4.2 - Your right to correct

You have the right to get the personal data that we hold about you corrected if it is wrong, has errors or needs to be updated.

Please note that we can only comply with your request if you place it in writing and address it either to the postal or email address noted below in section 4.4. We may need some form of formal identification from you to comply with your request.


4.3 - Your right to delete

You have the right to request the deletion of all personal data we hold about you. We will comply with your request insofar as it will not interfere with legal requirements or our legitimate interest to protect our business.

Also you need to be aware that the deletion of your personal data may or will result in a loss of functionality of the website for you.

Please note that we can only comply with your request if you place it in writing and address it either to the postal or email address noted below in section 4.4. We may need some form of formal identification from you to comply with your request.


4.4 - How to excercise your right

Please send your requests for delivery, correction or deletion of your data to the following postal address or email address. We will process these requests within reasonable timeframes:


Hich by Haus



CH-8125 Zollikerberg



5 - Additional information

5.1 - Security

This website and our store are delivered using industry standard SSL/TLS-encrypted connections verified by a certificate in your browser.


5.2 - Payments

The payment channels offered in our shop through are regularly undergoing and maintaining a PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) certification. The systems are also regularly monitored for possible vulnerabilities and attacks, and regularly seeks new ways and Third Party Services for further enhancing the security of the Services.


5.3 - Caveats

Regardless of the measures and efforts taken by ourselves or, we cannot and do not guarantee the absolute protection and security of your personal data or any other information you upload, publish or otherwise share with us, Wix or anyone else. We encourage you to avoid providing us or anyone with any sensitive personal data of which you believe its disclosure could cause you substantial or irreparable harm.


This policy is valid for the "Hich by Haus" website, including the store.


Your contact for all privacy issues or questions is:

Hich by Haus


8125 Zollikerberg









We only collect data we require to provide and improve our services to you.


We will never give away, rent, or sell your information to anyone!






Browser data is collected automatically whenever you visit a website and often written to a logfile on the server.








Learn more about cookies on our site here.





Information you provide to us directly by filling out forms on our site, subscribing to the newsletter, etc.




Information you enter on our website in order for us to be able to process your purchases and payments, like your credit card number for example.






We use browser data to provide and improve our services for you and to comply with certain laws and regulations.




Data you provide to us directly is only used for the purposes stated directly where we collect the data.



We use payment data collec ted from you solely for processing your payment and to prevent fraud and comply with legal obligations.



Your data is stored and processed at in datacenters in Israel, the EU and the USA on our behalf.





Hich by Haus acts as the "Controller" with respect to your personal data provided on our site.



Send your questions around privacy at to this mail address:




​ is the data "Processor" with respect to your personal data.



We only retain your data for as long as we need to.




Your options to control your personal data on our site.



Your right to know.





Your right to correct.






Your right to delete.










Request delivery, correction, or deletion of your data by writing us an email here:









All traffic on our site is protected by SSL/TLS encryption.


Our store payments are adhering to PCI DSS and are accordingly certified.





There is no guarantee that your data is absolutely protected, so be careful where you share it.

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